August 2015

Education and the Culture Wars

  The  “Culture Wars”.  Not just Liberal versus Conservative and Democrat versus Republican; but Secular versus Religious; Evolutionist versus Creationist; Feminist versus Traditionalist;  MSNBC versus Fox.  Jon Stewart versus Bill O’Reilly --- or in my case, my liberal self versus my much-loved, intelligent and articulate libertarian son.

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Are Some People Better than Others?

Are some people better than others? You might wonder what kind of a question that is. On the one hand, there’s no controversy—some people are smarter than others, some are more creative, some are stronger or faster, and some are kinder or more virtuous. So, if that’s all we’re asking, the answer is obvious. In certain respects and in particular domains, some people are clearly better than others. But if we’re asking whether some people are just better human beings in general, it becomes much harder to answer the question.

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The Last "Universal Genius"

Leibniz was a very practical philosopher. One could argue that he has as much or more practical impact on Silicon Valley as any philosopher. He invented binary arithmetic; without that, no computer science! Plus a lot of other ideas along the same lines.

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The Fine-Tuning Argument for God

Probably the most persuasive argument for the existence of God -- I don’t mean to philosophers and logicians, but to ordinary people -- goes something like this: All of this -- that is, a world with life, intelligence, beauty, humans, morality, etc., -- couldn’t have come about by accident. It must be due to some intelligent, powerful Being -- and that’s what God is.

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Left Lanes, Right Lanes, & Medians

Left Lanes and Right Lanes by Charles Osborne

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